NBAM BurnSafe Resources

BurnSafe Resources

As part of National Burns Awareness Month Kidsafe are providing a selection of BurnSafe learning resources for children (3years – 13years).  These are designed to educate children about how easily burns can happen, prevention strategies, making safe choices and burns first aid.

Most burn injuries are preventable and appropriate first aid can minimise the impact and severity of a burn injury. Children can play an important role in keeping themselves and their families safe.

These resources are aimed at children from preschool to 13 years and they can be done at home, at school or in an early education setting. They are designed in line with the Early Years Framework and National Curriculum.

BurnSafe and BurnSafe Junior are programs currently run in schools and preschools in South Australia. Click here to learn more.


A Burns Information Guide is available electronically, this will provide you (teacher or parent) with the information required to fully support the children/students in completing these tasks. Click here or on the image to access the Burns Information Guide.

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