Drowning continues to be one of the biggest killers of Australian children. Every year a number of children are killed and hundreds more are rescued from near drowning situations.
The most common factor in childhood drowning is lack of supervision.
Water Safety Resources

This information sheet provides information on childhood drowning.
It includes the common causes of drowning, national statistics, why children are at risk and ways to prevent drowning.
Download the Drowning Information Sheet

The majority of toddler drownings occur in the backyard swimming pool.
This resource is a checklist to help you check whether the pool barrier is in good condition including the gates, fence and surrounds.
Download the Pool Safety pdf
Royal Life Saving Society
www.royallifesaving.com.auRoyal Life Saving Society Australia work to prevent drowning and facilitate healthy, active lifestyles by equipping all Australians with water safety skills. They also release the National Drowning Report every year that provides insight into the drowning incidences in Australia each financial year.
For further information, contact your state or territory office here