Below are national Kidsafe resources in the areas of Home, Car and Road, Water and Sports and Play safety. For further information, contact your state or territory office here.
Home Safety
A Parent’s Guide to Kidsafe Homes
Car and Road
A Parent’s Guide to Kidsafe Roads
National Child Restraint Guidelines – A guide for parents and carers (DL)
National Child Restraint Guidelines – Detailed Consumer Information
Water Safety
‘Safe Barriers Save Lives’ campaign DL flyer
Sports and Play
Kidsafe WA has developed a Sports App which provides a range of tools to assist coaches, parents and players on how to reduce the risk of childhood injury during sport and physical activity. Kidsafe WA Sports will help make sure kids are playing sport, not injured on the sidelines.
Click here to download this app for Apple devices.
Click here to download this app for Android devices.
For playground-related resources, contact your local Kidsafe office.
Other Safety Websites and Resources
ACCC Product Safety –
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) ensure that individuals and businesses comply with Australian competition, fair trading, and consumer protection laws – in particular, the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. The ACCC provides valuable product safety information on their website including information on cots, change tables, prams and much more.
Poisons Information Centre – 13 11 26
Royal Life Saving Society –
Royal Life Saving Society – Australia works to prevent drowning and facilitate healthy, active lifestyles by equipping all Australians with water safety skills. They also release the National Drowning Report every year that provides insight into the drowning incidences in Australia each financial year.
More information
If you would like further information on preventable childhood injury, please visit your state or territory’s website. You can find links to these websites here.