Home Safety

The home is the most common location for childhood injury to occur. There can be many hazards in the home which can lead to injuries from falls, drowning, burns & scalds, choking & suffocation, electrocution, toys, dog bites and more.

Check out the brochure and videos below.

Home Safety Resources


This booklet helps guide parents and carers through the common injuries that occur in homes.

It includes the common injuries seen including falls, drowning, burns & scalds, choking & suffocation, backyard injuries and farm-related injuries.

It also includes the Kidsafe Home Safety Checklist which provides guidance for every room in the house.

Download the Kidsafe Homes pdf


This information sheet provides information on childhood poisoning.

It includes the common causes of poisoning, statistics, why children are at risk and ways to prevent poisoning.

Download the Poisoning Information Sheet pdf

For further information, contact your state or territory office here

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